Stay secure
Protect yourself
All it takes is one small mistake. You accidentally click on a link in a text message, or an online pop-up warning of a computer virus. You throw away an account statement without shredding it first. You forget to put your mail on hold during a vacation. You respond to a suspicious email.
Those mistakes are ideal opportunities for fraudsters. The criminals use your information to make unauthorized purchases, or gain access to your computer and online accounts. Start protecting yourself against credit or debit card fraud and other scams today.
Are you implementing best practices?
Phishing and
Discover 5 ways to prevent this form of scamming
Credit or debit card fraud
Keep your guard up with these tips
Those mistakes are ideal opportunities for fraudsters. The criminals use your information to make unauthorized purchases, or gain access to your computer and online accounts. Start protecting yourself against credit or debit card fraud and other scams today.
Are you implementing best practices?
Discover 5 ways to prevent this form of scamming
Keep your guard up with these tips

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Password tips
Every member who logs into his or her TCU account needs a password, and it needs to be verified. When you enter your password online, it's compared with the password that's stored in our secure data center.
You can enter your password incorrectly a limited number of times. If you exceed the allowance, we'll lock your online banking account until you call us to reinitialize the account. We monitor and record "bad-login" attempts to detect any suspicious activity (i.e. someone trying to guess your password).
You play a crucial role in preventing others from logging in to your account. Use the 8 following tips to create and manage strong passwords for online banking and all your other accounts.
1. Make your password long.
You should go for a password that is a minimum of 12 to 14 characters in length. The longer and more complex your password is, the harder it is to crack using a computer program built for that purpose.
2. Make your password a nonsense phrase.
Long passwords are good. Long passwords that include random words and phrases are better. Stay away from using a single dictionary word and obvious combinations of dictionary words like “house” or “bigredhouse”. Use a string of words that don’t normally fit together like “dogstaringpicklebeach” which you can easily remember as your dog is staring at the pickle he found on the beach.
3. Make your password complex by adding numbers, symbols, uppercase and lowercase letters.
You can substitute a number or a symbol for a letter in your password, for example use @ for the letter a or a 5 for the letter S. Just don’t make the substitutions obvious like using a 0 (zero) in place of an O. Take the password phrase above and make it stronger by changing it to “dogStaringp7ckleBe@ch!”
4. Avoid using obvious personal information
Don’t use anything for a password or part of your password that is easily discoverable. Don’t use your children’s or pet’s names, your birthday, anniversary, high school you attended, favorite sports team or anything else that can be found by browsing your social media accounts.
5. Do not reuse passwords.
If one account is compromised and you use the same email and password combination across multiple sites all your logins are now at risk. Use a unique password for everything, especially online banking accounts.
6. Start using a password manager.
Password managers are services that auto-generate and store strong passwords on your behalf. These passwords are kept in an encrypted centralized location which you can then access with a master password or biometric like your fingerprint. Many services are free to use and come with optional features such as syncing new passwords across multiple devices and auditing your password behavior to ensure you are not using the same one in multiple locations.
7. Keep your passwords private.
Do not share your passwords with anyone. Thrivent Credit Union will never ask for your online banking password. Do not type your passwords into a device if you are within site of other people. If you’re storing a list of your passwords—or even better, a password hint sheet—on your computer in a document file, name the file something random so it isn’t a dead giveaway to snoopers.
8. Change your passwords regularly.
The more sensitive your information is, the more often you should change your password. Once it is changed, do not reuse that password again.
You can enter your password incorrectly a limited number of times. If you exceed the allowance, we'll lock your online banking account until you call us to reinitialize the account. We monitor and record "bad-login" attempts to detect any suspicious activity (i.e. someone trying to guess your password).
You play a crucial role in preventing others from logging in to your account. Use the 8 following tips to create and manage strong passwords for online banking and all your other accounts.
1. Make your password long.
You should go for a password that is a minimum of 12 to 14 characters in length. The longer and more complex your password is, the harder it is to crack using a computer program built for that purpose.
2. Make your password a nonsense phrase.
Long passwords are good. Long passwords that include random words and phrases are better. Stay away from using a single dictionary word and obvious combinations of dictionary words like “house” or “bigredhouse”. Use a string of words that don’t normally fit together like “dogstaringpicklebeach” which you can easily remember as your dog is staring at the pickle he found on the beach.
3. Make your password complex by adding numbers, symbols, uppercase and lowercase letters.
You can substitute a number or a symbol for a letter in your password, for example use @ for the letter a or a 5 for the letter S. Just don’t make the substitutions obvious like using a 0 (zero) in place of an O. Take the password phrase above and make it stronger by changing it to “dogStaringp7ckleBe@ch!”
4. Avoid using obvious personal information
Don’t use anything for a password or part of your password that is easily discoverable. Don’t use your children’s or pet’s names, your birthday, anniversary, high school you attended, favorite sports team or anything else that can be found by browsing your social media accounts.
5. Do not reuse passwords.
If one account is compromised and you use the same email and password combination across multiple sites all your logins are now at risk. Use a unique password for everything, especially online banking accounts.
6. Start using a password manager.
Password managers are services that auto-generate and store strong passwords on your behalf. These passwords are kept in an encrypted centralized location which you can then access with a master password or biometric like your fingerprint. Many services are free to use and come with optional features such as syncing new passwords across multiple devices and auditing your password behavior to ensure you are not using the same one in multiple locations.
7. Keep your passwords private.
Do not share your passwords with anyone. Thrivent Credit Union will never ask for your online banking password. Do not type your passwords into a device if you are within site of other people. If you’re storing a list of your passwords—or even better, a password hint sheet—on your computer in a document file, name the file something random so it isn’t a dead giveaway to snoopers.
8. Change your passwords regularly.
The more sensitive your information is, the more often you should change your password. Once it is changed, do not reuse that password again.

Phishing (FISH-ing) is a scheme used to trick someone into providing bank, credit card or financial account information. The scammers send a fraudulent email or text message impersonating a bank, Internet service provider or another institution to get the information. The perpetrator may be asking for account numbers, passwords, security codes or any other personal financial information – in other words, thieves are "phishing" for information.
If you are concerned about a phone call received from Thrivent Credit Union - please hang up and call us at 866-226-5225 to verify it is not an impersonator.
If there is a problem with your account or your card, TCU will never send you a link by text message. TCU will never ask for your online banking password.
For more information on how to prevent phishing, visit the
Federal Trade Commission's phishing prevention site.
5 ways to prevent phishing
- Never respond to unsolicited email or text message from an unfamiliar source. This confirms an active address to the attacker, and they will be back.
- Never click any link in a suspicious email or text message. This could take you to a site controlled by the criminals, download spyware that can be used to steal information or download a virus to your computer.
- Never open an attachment from an unfamiliar source. This could infect your computer with a virus or spyware.
- Never give out your personal or financial information over the phone or the computer unless you initiated the contact. We will never ask you to "verify" your financial information via email or ask you to click on a special site link.
- Check for the padlock or key icon at the top of your browser and make sure the address begins with "https" – the 's' indicates 'secure.' This is no guarantee, but the lack of these icons or "https" does indicate that the website isn't secure.
If you are concerned about a phone call received from Thrivent Credit Union - please hang up and call us at 866-226-5225 to verify it is not an impersonator.
If there is a problem with your account or your card, TCU will never send you a link by text message. TCU will never ask for your online banking password.
For more information on how to prevent phishing, visit the
Leaving TCU
You are now leaving Thrivent Credit Union's website. Deposit and lending services are offered by Thrivent Credit Union, the marketing name for Thrivent Federal Credit Union, a member-owned not-for-profit financial cooperative that is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration and doing business in accordance with the Federal Fair Lending Laws. Insurance, securities, investment advisory and trust and investment management accounts and services offered by Thrivent, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, or its affiliates are not deposits or obligations of Thrivent Federal Credit Union, are not guaranteed by Thrivent Federal Credit Union or any bank, are not insured by the NCUA, FDIC or any other federal government agency, and involve investment risk, including possible loss of the principal amount invested.
Any data or personal information collected by websites other than Thrivent Credit Union (TCU) is not covered by TCU's privacy policy. We recommend you read the privacy policies of those sites as they may be different from TCU's policy.
Any data or personal information collected by websites other than Thrivent Credit Union (TCU) is not covered by TCU's privacy policy. We recommend you read the privacy policies of those sites as they may be different from TCU's policy.

Credit or debit card fraud prevention
Credit or debit card fraud occurs when someone steals another person's credit or debit (ATM) card, or the identifying information from one, and uses it to make purchases with no intention of paying the cardholder or the merchant.
Pay attention to your PINs
Keep track of your paper
Take advantage of online banking and mobile apps
digital banking page . If your cards ever become permanently lost or stolen, call 866-565-6161 for credit cards or 866-226-5225 for debit cards.
Pay attention to your PINs
- Never write PIN numbers on your card or keep them in your wallet.
- Never use the same PIN or ID number for all your cards.
- Don't give your PIN number to anyone. Financial representatives, law enforcement officers or merchants should never ask you for this information.
- Do not use obvious numbers for your PIN. Avoid using digits from your telephone number, Social Security number, date of birth or any number someone could easily figure out.
Keep track of your paper
- Never throw account statements or preapproved card offers in the trash. Shred them or destroy them beyond repair.
- Always verify that everything on your statement is correct. Immediately report any discrepancies to your credit or debit card issuer.
- Before going on vacation, have the post office hold your mail.
- If you know a statement is late in the mail, contact the card issuer immediately.
Take advantage of online banking and mobile apps
- Enroll in online accounts and opt out of receiving paper statements altogether.
- Quickly recognize fraudulent transactions.
- Place a card on hold if it gets lost.
- Set geolocations to where you use your cards.
- Use mobile wallets like Apply Pay and Google Pay for purchases.